mineros donetsk2

The following statement belongs to Independent Donetsk Miners’ Trade Union. We don’t share its political approach because to its identification with the Stalinist policy of Popular Front that we have been denouncing without fatigue. However, as we pointed out in our last statement:

“[Ukrainian Revolution] must wake up to the powerful Russian proletariat that in Crimea has already raised, must join revolutionary resistance of the peoples of Palestine and Syria, the struggles of European proletariat against the Governments of the Troika and fascism, the struggle of the exploited and oppressed of semi-colonies and metropolis. It is what have understood the revolutionary volunteers who have come from Europe and also Russia to fight fascism with their Ukrainian class brothers. It is what the revolutionary proletariat of the East reclaims against the will of its leaderships:

For an International Committee of workers organizations without any other political agreement but a joint action in defence and assistance of the revolutionary anti-fascist resistance of the Ukrainian proletariat! The reformist leaderships in Europe, United States and Russia should break with its social-imperialist policy and respond with actions to the call of unions of Donbas!

Núcleo por la Refundación de la Cuarta Internacional – NRCI


Statement from Independent Donetsk Miners’ Trade Union

Brother miners,

We need to explain to you the true state of affairs in Donbas. The real picture of what is happening has been misinterpreted or hushed by European media. We understand that you may not find it easy to come to the correct conclusions; and therefore, we declare that we – the miners – are forced to fight with weapons in our hands for the sake of our lives – in the name of survival!

Our interest in this confrontation is one: end the bloodshed! The end of the war will be the trial of the war criminals that began it. We can not give up, because it would mean our full moral and physical destruction! From the outset, “Euromaidan” has been under the control of the big bourgeoisie: Ukrainian oligarchs and their foreign masters. In February of this year, there was a coup in Ukraine with the active participation of neo-Nazi organizations. In response to this, there was a protest movement in the South-East of the country, which at first was pushing innocuous slogans such as federalization and Russian as a second state language. This was greeted with terror.

In Donbas, there is a real war in which civilians are killed: including the elderly, women and children. You are blatantly being lied to that what war is between Ukraine and Russia. But it is not so! The war is between the people and a handful of oligarchs with the support of the EU and U.S. authorities. The tragedy in Ukraine is that, those in power, managed to infect the people with certain fascist ideas. We, the residents of Donbas, fight against all manifestations of Nazism and Fascism. We fight with weapons in hand, for our lives and the lives of our loved ones. We have nowhere to retreat – this is our land! We appeal to you, the workers of the European countries, asking for your help and solidarity: help us break the stronghold of fascism in Ukraine. This will be our common victory!

Mikhail Alexeevich Krylov,

Representative from Independent Donetsk Miners’ Trade Union


For an International Committee of workers organizations without any other political agreement but a joint action in defence and assistance of the revolutionary anti-fascist resistance of the Ukrainian proletariat! The reformist leaderships in Europe, United States and Russia should break with its social-imperialist policy and respond with actions to the call of unions of Donbas!

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